Monday, 28 October 2013

How to create a Powerfull Keylogger

Rapzo Keylogger is one of the best keylogger to steal the data of your victim.

Note: You need to disable your Antivirus for the softwares to work.

Tools Required:
Rapzo Keylogger Download 
Simple Binder Download
  • First you need to Download the Rapzo Keylogger and Simple Binder.
  • Extract both the softwares, now go to Rapzo keylogger folder and create a keylogger using rapzo logger.exe
  • First Enable the Application and fill all the details like your email, pass..etc and test it(see screenshot)
  • Now go to Options on the top and check/tick Encrypt info, screen logger, stealers.
  • Now just click on Build Button thats it, your powerful keylogger is created.

How to make your keylogger file unsuspicious

  • Now Just Bind Your Keylogger File with the Image so that victim may not get any doubt.
  • Open Simple binder software and select your keylogger file and any Image file, save it with some name and click on bind button (see screenshot)
  • Done..when victim clicks on your binded keylogger an image will be displayed and keylogger gets installed.

Now if you scan your Binded keylogger file virus will be detected so you have to make your keylogger Undetectable by Antivirus.

How to Make Keylogger/Trojan Undetectable

Friday, 25 October 2013

How To Get Someone’s Ip Address Through Facebook

Today, I am going to post the trick for getting someone’s Ip through Facebook.

Step 1 – First invite or ping that person for a chat on facebook.
Step 2 – Make sure your all other tabs in the browser and other services in the computer are closed. If Possible for you then delete all the cookies-cache and browsing history from your browser.
Step 3 – While chatting on Facebook go to Start >- Run >- cmd .
Step 4 – After Opening command Prompt Type netstat -an command and hit Enter.
Step 5 – Now you will get Ip Address of all the established connections there .
Step 6 – Note all the suspicious Ip’s and trace user using ip address tracer sites like whatismyip or .

That's It !
You can use the same trick for tracing IP of someones on Skype, gtalk and Yahoo Messenger.

DDOS Attack

DDOS attack is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users.

One common method of attack involves sending an enormous amount of request to Server or site and server will be unable to handle the requests and the site will be offline for some days or months depending upon the strength of Attack i.e. (Data Sent to the Site/Server)

Basic Procedure/Logic employed in DDOS :
1.) Open Command Prompt in windows by going to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt.

2.) Type "ping site-ip -l 5120 -n 100000 -w 1".
Here "site-ip" is the IP Address of Target, You can also use site-name like "" instead of site-ip."5120" is the size of packet sent to the target

Which is 5 KB in example. "100000" is the no of requests sent to the Target. "- w 1" is the waiting time after each request which is 1 sec in the example. You

can change these parameters according to your need, but Don't omit these.
This Attack is also called "Ping of Death" But In Actual a Single Computer using this Attack cannot Deface a Site for a long time. Hackers Create and install

botnets on different computers as trojans and use those Comprised Computers also to send these Dummy Packets to Target. When a Large no of

Compromised Computer send simultaneous Requests to the target, the target site will be offline and Defaced...